Monday, February 22, 2010

author assigment

2 months agoi was assigned to read a book. My choice was the book "The dark flight down" by Sedgwick, Marcus. This book was very cool and now im in the second book. This book is about a boy who works and lives with a magician named Valerian. But the boy never new his parents and was born in the streets people just call him boy and he has a friend named Willow who also never knew her parents. As the story goes on Valerian finds himself in trouble because he was suppose to find a special spell bok and use it to make the king eternal lifed. But he never brought it and who did bring it was a red feather official. There was a huge ceromony to celebrate the fact that the king would be eternal which Boy, Valerian, and Willow all attended. When the spell was made Boy realized what happened and screamed out that it was a faked and that he faked the spell. People got really mad and the red feathered official was so embarrased he summoned an ugly demon monster thing to kill boy and Valerian. But when Boy saw the monster and the monster saw him, boy saw a similar resemblense in him and the monster and soon found out that the monster was his brother. The monster didn't harm boy and instead tried to save him and died trying.

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